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ULI successfully held its inaugural Mainland China Annual Meeting in Shanghai on Thursday, November 29th. The half-day event, which was followed by a cocktail party, was attended by over 120 participants from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
The theme of the annual meeting was product quality improvement with key note speeches by Andrew Zhou, CEO of Ping An Real Estate and Thomas Tsang, CEO of Ping An Financial Center Shenzhen as well as Tian Ming, Chairman of Landsea Group. They discussed how they have been incorporating technological and design innovations to improve the quality, efficiency, and overall sustainability of buildings ranging from skyscrapers to low-density residential buildings. Their speeches were followed by lively Q&A sessions with audience participation and a panel discussion moderated by Richard Vogel, Senior Vice President of Ivanhoe Cambridge, who started the discussion by sharing his experiences as a developer in mainland China versus in the U.S. The panel discussion focused on causes behind often poor quality of properties in China and where improvements are needed. Joining the panel were Albert Li, Senior Vice President of AECOM, Robert Pratt, MD of Tishman Speyer, and, Xiaomei Lee, Principal of Gensler.
The second half of the meeting started with a speech by Henry Cheng, CEO of Chongbang Group, on his Life Hub @ Jinqiao, a retail shopping center-anchored mixed-used development project in the Jinqiao area of Pudong, Shanghai, which recently won ULI Global Excellence Award. Life Hub @ Jinqiao is this year’s only Chinese winner of the highly regarded ULI Global Excellence Award and one of the three winners from Asia. Following Henry’s speech was a panel discussion on the financing environment moderated by Tom Delatour, CEO of Century Bridge Capital. Ying Song, Vice President of Noah Holdings, provided interesting insights into the growing size of the high net worth individual investors in China, who have been a key provider of funding for local developers through trust funds. Other panelists were Marc Bosnyak, Director, Standard Chartered Bank, and Bingdong Zhao, Executive Director, PAG Real Estate.
The event ended with the announcement of key findings from 2013 ULI/PwC Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Asia Pacific by Collin Galloway and a response panel moderated by Sam Crispin, Director of PwC. The panelists included Collin Lau, the founder of BEI Capital, Calvin Chou, MD of MSREI, Greg Hyland, Regional Director of AP Capital Markets, JLL, and Deng Wei, President of Century Bridge Capital. They shared their views including some different from certain interviewee observations and city rankings in the report.
John Fitzgerald, Senior Vice President and Executive Director, Asia Pacific, ULI, called 2012, “Year of firsts” for ULI in mainland China. In May this year, ULI held its first-ever ULI Asia Pacific Real Estate Summit in Beijing with the theme of “Sustainable Urban Development.” John commented that the three-day Summit far exceeded the initial expectations in terms of the quality of program and the size of the participants. Also, he stressed that the annual meeting for mainland China was the first significant event solely organized and funded by local ULI members.
Kenneth Rhee, ULI Chief Representative, Mainland China, thanked the three sponsors, Chongbang Group, Century Bridge Capital, and PwC, which allowed members to attend free of charge and allowed for simultaneous translation in English and Chinese throughout the meeting.
本次年会的主题是“提高房地产产品质量”。平安不动产有限公司首席执行官邹益民、深圳平安金融中心建设发展有限公司首席执行官曾伟明以及朗诗集团董事长田明分别为年会作了主旨演讲,和来宾分享了他们公司在开发超高层以及低密度楼宇时如何结合创新设计和科技技术以提高物业质量和能耗效率,全面实现楼宇的可持续性。与会者积极参与这两个主旨演讲的提问和回答环节。紧随主旨演讲之后的是由亿万豪剑桥高级副总裁兼中国区总经理华歌(Richard Vogel)主持的专题小组讨论,华歌分享了其作为开发商在中国大陆以及美国的经验。该专题小组讨论聚焦于中国大陆物业质量普遍低的原因以及需要改进的地方。参与小组讨论的嘉宾还有AECOM中国大陆及香港项目管理及建造管理董事总经理李国伟,铁狮门房地产董事总经理Robert Pratt以及Gensler副总裁兼上海工作室总监李晓梅。
年会下半场由崇邦集团行政总裁郑秉泽的演讲开场。郑秉泽为来宾介绍了崇邦集团的金桥国际商业广场,一个以商业为主体的城市综合体项目。该项目位于上海浦东新区的金桥地区,是2012年中国大陆地区唯一获得城市土地学会卓越奖的项目,也是本年度亚洲地区获得此殊荣的三个项目之一。之后是由美国世纪桥投资公司首席执行官戴廷龙(Tom Delatour)主持的关于当前融资环境的专题小组讨论。小组讨论上,诺亚财富控股副总裁应松先生向来宾介绍了中国大陆不断增长的高净值个人投资者已成为通过信托基金等向本地开发商提供资金的主要来源等趋势情况。其他小组成员包括渣打银行企业银行及金融机构部大中华房地产部门董事马智博(Marc Bosnyak)以及太盟投资执行董事赵炳东。
年会以城市土地学会/普华永道2013年亚太区房地产新兴趋势报告发布会以及后续专题小组讨论为结尾。发布会由报告作者Colin Galloway主持。紧随其后的专题小组讨论由普华永道总监高思品(Sam Crispin)主持,其他讨论小组成员包括北资本有限公司创始人刘嘉霖,摩根士丹利房地产投资董事总经理周景国,仲量联行资本市场投资部亚太区董事韩瑞杰(Greg Hyland)以及美国世纪桥投资公司总裁邓伟。讨论中,嘉宾分享了他们与部分报告受访者不同的观点以及对报告中城市排名的意见。
ULI亚太区资深副总裁及执行总监裁费约翰(John P. Fitzgerald)评价2012年见证了城市土地学会在中国大陆地区的很多“第一次”。2012年5月,ULI在北京举行了首届亚太区峰会,峰会主题为“可持续的城市发展”。“为期三天的北京峰会在参与人数以及议程安排质量方面远超预期”,费约翰如是说。此外,他强调本次中国大陆地区年会是由当地ULI会员组织和赞助的第一次盛大活动。
ULI中国大陆首席代表李建学(Kenneth Rhee)感谢了本次年会的三家赞助单位,分别是崇邦集团,美国世纪桥投资公司以及普华永道。他们的赞助使得ULI会员能免费参与年会,并使得年会能提供中英文同传翻译等服务。