ULI Hong Kong: Urban biodiversity in Hong Kong - What does it look like? (Members only)


2023-04-28T12:00:00 - 2023-04-28T14:00:00

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    blueprint Will open in a new window 2/F, Dorset House, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road Quarry Bay HONG KONG
    Registration Fees
    Members: HKD 100
    (Includes lunch and coffee/tea) 
    Few cities are like Hong Kong - it's a juxtaposition of one of the world's most highly urbanised and densely populated cities together with one of the region's most biodiverse areas.According to the Environment Bureau's Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2021, "biodiversity is "the variability of living organisms".  
    This is not only important for ecosystem health, humans also directly benefit from from the 'ecosystem services' that biodiverse environments provide. This includes air and water quality, protection of food systems, climate regulation and overall well-being and quality of life. 
    Hear from our selection of experts on how urban biodiversity is being preserved in Hong Kong. The event will end with a tour of The Loop at Devon House, which, with support from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, ULI and Swire Properties worked together to add a variety of native plant species and upcycled timber planters to educate the community of the importance of circularity and urban greening.  
    Elizabeth Kok - Senior Advisor, Swire Properties
    Ricci Wong - Founder and CEO, HK Timberbank
    Christopher Law - Founding Director, the Oval Partnership
    Billy Hau - Programme Director, MSc in Environmental Management, Principal Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, Assistant Dean (TPG), Faculty of Science - The University of Hong Kong  
    Registration is required. Registration deadline is on Monday 24 April 2023.
    Event confirmation details will be sent to all registrants on Thursday 27 April 2023.  
    Enquiries: [email protected]     

    blueprint 2/F, Dorset House, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road HONG KONG

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